Please select the type of payment that you are making from the choices below.
Monthly Payment Option
This option requires monthly payments of $40.00, paid each month for ten (10) consecutive months. Payments are made via PayPal subscription. This option results in a total band fee of $400.00. Fundraising is expected of ALL band students.
This payment option has EXPIRED. Please select one of the other payment options or contact the Band Parents Association to make alternative arrangements. Thanks!
Pay in Full
This option requires a payment of $375.00, which includes a $25.00 discount! Payments must be made on or before Monday, August 14, 2023. Fundraising is expected of ALL band students.
Click on the Buy Now button to be redirected to PayPal.
Fund Raising
This option allows you to earn money toward your band fees through participation in specified fund-raising activities and/or volunteering. Fees must be raised and/or paid in increments of $100.00 by the following dates: August 14, 2023; November 3, 2023; February 2, 2024; and April 5, 2024.
If you are currently experiencing financial hardship, the New Smyrna Beach Band Parents Association (BPA) will work with you to establish a financial plan that is amenable to you and the BPA. Everyone is expected to pay something, even if it is a fraction of the regular cost. Contact the BPA if you are experiencing financial hardship. Terms and conditions apply.